Tuesday, 7 June 2011

We're off to the TNNA (the national needlework assoc.) show in Columbus Ohio on Thursday. This is one of the samples. Ahem, OK, it's not done yet but I'm progressing.
I got a little further last night and am starting the bottom border. I think it's going to have to have capped sleeves for the show just to get it done. When I get back I'll put the 3/4 length sleeves on it because that's what I really want. The A-line shaping is starting to show in the bunching up of the stitches on my needle. Can't wait to see how it comes out but that will have to wait until I cast off now.
P.S. t/c I'm a continental knitter. I learned that way from a girlfriend who learned from her German neighbour. It's a great way to knit and you're right, it's quick.

1 comment:

  1. What is this very very beautiful blue yarn?? - cabinart@cabinart.net


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