Thursday, 19 November 2015

Blocking before the end.

Blocking, do you ever do it before you finish the sweater?

I put my Panel cardigan worked with Twisted Stitches from the Need A Plus Cardigan book on my adjust-to-size mannikin and was less than impressed since I was really careful about the gauge and thought I had it perfect. It was looking like I was going to have to work a really wide buttonband to bridge the gap in the front.

And the twisted stitches were pulling the back in quite a bit.
So I decided I would give it a soak and let it dry and see where I was.

I think I could hear my sweater saying "ahhhh, at last". It relaxed a whole lot. It looks so much better. The back Panel has relaxed and hangs straight.

The front is going to be fine once I do the buttonband. The next time I block with the buttonband in place the Front Panels will relax even more. Now I'm excited to get finished so I can wear it.
And it's RED. Just imagine the lift to my purple/blue wardrobe.

1 comment:

  1. I love it. I also love the Red. Your purple stuff will really appreciate the red - remember when red & purple could never be worn together?? And if you did, you were from Eastern Europe, Africa or India???
    My wardrobe is mostly Magenta & Blued Purple with a few hits of blued Red. I think of the Purple as the Neutral.


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