Friday 8 April 2016

Triangles and Parallelograms

I lost about a day and a half trying to solve a problem. I’m making a “join as you go” scarf. I thought it would be easy in garter stitch since 4 stitches and 4 Ridges equal 1”. How hard could it be to form triangles and parallelograms? I’ve worked other designers' patterns in this way. Now to design my own.

It started out fine. I was trying to make a crescent scarf that is shaped like a staple. A short leg hanging down on either side with a long straight centre section. These are easy to wrap around your neck and you can tie the ends together which I sometimes like to do. 
Then it got a bit squiffy.
The waving is the product of putting right angled triangles, with equilateral triangles, with parallelograms. Whew. I spent the day catching up on the ratios of Pythagoras Theorem. Remember that from high school? Who knew I would need it in knitting. Interesting stuff. 

New scarf. I have it figured out.
We’re going to tackle this at the Knit At Lake Lauzon Retreat, April 23 & 24 in Algoma Mills (half way between Sudbury and Sault Saint Marie, ON). It will be easy. I promise. And of course you can always ignore all the mumbo-jumbo of math theory and just get on with the knitting.

If you live in Northern Ontario or can get there, please join us for 2 days of knitting. I know, an irresistible offer, knitting and Pythagoras Theorem! Ha, ha.

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