Sascha commented that a UFO pile is normal and that her own pile rivals mine. It's certainly normal around here but I hate to see it become too large. No patterns get written that way plus the amount of yarn coming into my home is larger than the amount going back to the shop as samples. I live in a tiny house and this becomes a major problem mostly because I share it with two men, my husband and my son, who, unfortunately, have stuff too. I keep trying to convince them to throw some of their stuff out but I'm not getting very far. This is forcing me to finish something.
I'm not finished but I have made some progress on my top down pullover. I know it's plain but I have to start here to get all the bugs out and make sure it fits. I have most of one sleeve done and have started on the botto

m ribbing. I have the weekend ahead to work on it but baby sweaters are calling to me.

I couldn't help myself. This baby sweater just started itself. But I am stopping here with only the yoke done because I'm not sure about the sizing. The neck looks big for a 6 month size. I have to show it to Dana, our baby expert. She has a grandbaby in residence so I can check a live model and her wardrobe for sizing. This may be the 12 month size and I just didn't know it. I'm plan to do some more wee yokes with different V-necks over the weekend.
If I don't surface over the weekend I am under the UFO pile which grows ever larger.
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