Thursday, 17 September 2009

Kitchener - Waterloo Knitting Show

Back from the annual Kitchener Waterloo Knitting show which was terrific as it always is. This is a show that is completely run by the members of the KW Knitting Guild. We've been going for years - way back when, when the show was held at the highest level of bleechers in a hockey arena. We sold yarn, while the kids played hockey on the ice below us. Very appropriate we thought.

We see lots of old friends and meet many new ones too. I wanted to thank my two amazing helpers, Judith and Dana, who did a sterling job of helping me set up (and even more importantly, break down after the show!!) and worked hard during the day, along side Deb, answering questions and picking yarn colours. Yea! What a team!
Lynn stopped by to show off her beautiful Sarah, from our "Button Up Your Top Down" book, designed by Bernice Vollick. Here's the front view:
And the back view: (sorry I was a bit wobbly there)
Lynn knit this in Buffy's yarn (Shelridge Farm) and here's Buffy in her booth:
Lot's of old friends like Evie, in Karen's booth (SheepStrings)
Caroline of SweaterKits with her daughter Laura:
A great time was had by all and I've booked us to do it all again next year! See you then.

1 comment:

  1. I'll be there!! It's always a great time. They do a terrific job, and a day amongst knitters and knitting vendors is perfection.


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