Friday 16 April 2010

I thought at the end of the last post that I was half way along on my summer sweater but . . . NO. I find myself in that great middle distance where you are looking at the horizon and the long road running towards it and even though you are moving along the road the horizon never seems to get any closer. Don't get me wrong, I love knitting sweaters. I love wearing sweaters. I love knitting sweaters even better than working on small projects which finish quickly. I'm busy paying attention, working the increases, so it's not boredom. But there is this long, long middle section before I get to the horizon where I know there is a slope down which my sweater will roll without effort to the finish. I wish! I don't find finishing up easy either but at least I can see the finish line. You would think that every time I start a new sweater I would know this is coming but I'm still surprised when it arrives. It does not deter me, obviously, because I always start another sweater. Maybe it's the satisfaction of overcoming the middle and hanging on to the end that does it.

So all of that is to say that my sweater looks the same as the last post, only a little longer.

1 comment:

  1. No rush on that summer top - it's snowing again.....


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