Tuesday 14 September 2010

Home and unpacking

We're home again and unpacking from the Kitchener Waterloo Guild's Knitter's Fair. We've been doing this show for, mmm, 10 years? Something like that. When Deb and I did the first show (which might have been one of our first ever shows) we packed up my Honda and drove over to find that the show was in a sports complex. We picked up our boxes and started up the stairs, and up more stairs, and UP more stairs! Yes, we were on the top tier of the hockey arena! It was a great view (kids playing hockey) and gave the right atmosphere for knitting (cold and hockey, how Canadian can you get?) but, oh boy, those stairs. Needless to say, the show has moved on to a convention centre location now with nearly 80 vendors. It's easily the largest knitting show in Canada.

 A little bigger than a Honda? I was pretty white knucked driving it at first, but got quite used to it (except on hwy 401 - scary). We thought we'd dress up the truck ... cute look?

What a great show! It was terrific to see many, many old friends and convert new customers to the ease of no-sewing. We had wonderful helpers: Dana, Judy, Carolyn and Zelda. And they worked like crazy Friday night, unpacking the boxes and setting everything up, then back at it at 7am Saturday morning for more setting up. We got done (more or less) at 9:29 am and the show opened at 9:30.

OK, back to the unpacking.

- Lynda

PS Deb got her adult version of the A-line Cardigan done in time and we sold out of those patterns, along with Sophy's new shawl (which, oddly enough, is called Sophy's Shawl : )

1 comment:

  1. It was such a pleasure to see you again at the show, and to shop and shop and SHOP. The bigger and better Cabin Fever booth was my first stop when the doors opened...you and your wonderful helpers did such a great job!


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