Thursday, 21 January 2016

Knitting for Summer

I am still working on the size 11 Spiral socks which seems season appropriate but slow going. What doesn't seem appropriate is to be working on a summer sleeveless top. But that's what I'm doing. I'm knitting for the Summer issue of Cast On magazine put out by The Knitting Guild of America. I keep referring to it as a vest because I can't quite get my head around knitting for summer while I look outside at this.
So far, 6" done. You may notice that it's bottom-up. Yes, I know, a departure for me. I did give it quite a bit of thought but it fits with the I-cord edging which will border all the edges so here I go. Switching away from top down has been interesting since it has been quite a while since I tackled this and my first stumble was where the buttonholes go. No knitting on automatic for this project.
Here is a schematic of one side of the front.
I am knitting this for a 5'11" model so it's going to be long. Right now I'm looking forward to the cable crossing. Yippee, fun with cables.

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