Thursday 14 January 2016

One Sock Done

I'm congratulating myself because I finished one size 11 sock. If you don't knit socks or men's socks, a size 11 sock is no mean feat! LOL. A 10" leg plus the heel make these socks really tall. On me they would be knee socks but on my husband they go to mid-calf. Yes, he's over 6' tall. Then there is the 11" foot. I made him try them on before I did the Kitchener Stitch to finish the end of the toe. Kitchener Stitch is hard to take out. The socks fit perfectly. Pat, pat, pat on the back. One Sock Done.
Now, to avoid Second Sock Syndrome. I cast on immediately after finishing the toe, almost in one action. The next day I was fortunately on the GO train commuting to the city. That was 3 more hours of knitting time plus knitting in the meeting. Now that I'm a goodly way down the second leg, it will keep me keeping on. I'm also trying not to call it the second sock, not to keep reminding myself I have already knit one. I'm just enjoying looking at the colours as I knit every stripe.
This is my carry around project which means sporatic knitting. I'm trying to prioritize finishing it or winter could be over before I get this done. Of course, there is always next winter. Shhh, I didn't say that.


  1. Wow that's like knitting 2 in 1. So after you finish the second, congratulate yourself on finishing 2 pairs. Great socks! t_a

    1. And then cast on for the next pair. Is there a theme here?!

  2. Oh, cut that out!!! The ribbing & part of the leg is done - that's the worst part of the second sock - the rest should be a walk in the park. I try to start the second sock right after I get to the start of the heel in the first one. That way, they're both on the needles before you know it. Nice socks, by the way,

    1. Good idea to have them both going at the same time especially since I'm knitting with odd left-over balls and can already see I'm running out of one of them.


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