Thursday 27 September 2007

I'm Ready Houston

I've gone over my class notes, I've selected sweater samples and put them in my brand new suitcase, I've got my clothes out of the closet and I've almost picked my knitting projects for the trip. I'm ready and very excited.

Tomorrow I'm flying to Houston Texas to teach at the Houston Knit At Night knitting retreat.

We are going to be designers for the weekend. With some guidance from me the Houston knitters are going to make a Top Down sweater plan on Saturday. Lots of talk about fit and variations which can be done as you work.

I truely believe that any knitter can design. Techniques are your tools but understanding how a sweater construction works means you can change it to accomodate your body shape and your knitting style. Knitting style is important. Are you obsessed with small details? Do you just plow ahead over all obstacles? Do you need symmetry?
I am particular about increases. I want my knitting to flow. If a lovely increase stops me in my tracks every time I come to it, I don't use it. I will use a 'good enough' increase that keeps my knitting flowing. I also like to read my knitting on the needles. I don't want to have to consult a chart for every single line of the sweater. It must have some sort of logic that makes sense to me so I can knit along on my own. I recently designed a lace cardigan which requires charts but I only have to check the beginning of every line to make sure the edge is correct and then I am off and know what I am doing. A glance is all it takes. That makes the knitting experience good for me. Have you given any thought to what makes it good for you?

I'm looking forward to seeing what makes these knitters tick. It will be fun,

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