Wednesday 29 July 2015

Broken Sleep

Not opening my email first thing in the morning is working great. I have the 4-14 year old Pullover book written.

Well, so I thought until early this morning. 2am I woke up to this thought: The fronts have to have an even number of stitches so the underarm cast on has to be an even number too, instead of the odd numbers I had to get the sizing I wanted. Can I get the stitch numbers to come out to the same sizes? @&%$. Do I get up? Can I go back to sleep? I finished at 3:30am. All 6 patterns now have better stitch numbers. I'm a happy book writer. ZZZZZ

Now it's time to nail down some of the technical details.
I think this tuck stitch edge to the hood would be easier to work in the round. Is it necessary to keep one of the rolls open so that you can thread a string through?
I wouldn't. Would you?

Thursday 23 July 2015

No Internet Vacation

Last week I had a week away from the internet. I went up to my cabin and for 3 full days was without any social media interference. I was able to write out a rough draft of the 4-14 year old Pullover book. The whole thing, including all the stitch numbers, 30 pages in 3 days! It's looking pretty good. Rough still, with lots of errors and small details missing which I am finding now as I read it over every day. But still, pretty good start. I'm very pleased with how it's coming together.

My standard routine is to fire up my computer and check my email first. Much time elapses and I haven't worked on the book, my knitting, my new sock pattern or my next Newsletter. Social media is great but it does have a negative impact on my productivity on projects. Being without the option certainly brought it home to me. But I guess you all know that.

Have you ever indulged in a "no internet" vacation? Did you enjoy it? How long did you last?

I have progressed on the hoodie, in my favourite colour of course since I'm knitting it for myself.
I've just separated for the Pouch. Makes a nice change from knitting round and round and round. The Pouch means I'm on the home stretch for the Body. Yay.

Thursday 9 July 2015

I've test knit our Tuck Stitch Edge hoodie.
And it works. Yay. It sits well. The tucks give it colour and a firm edge. It feels good over my head and it's fun to knit with the Short Rows.
But I have some more work to do. We worked these tucks back and forth so they are all open tubes at the centre front.
Now I'd like to leave the first green tuck open so you could thread a tie through if you wanted and work the other two in the round. I think it might be easier to do the tuck pick ups that way. Time to cast on again to see.