Thursday, 7 September 2017

Sewing, ugh.

Not my favourite job - sewing buttons on. But here I am set up with my handy sewing kit ...
which I probably bought in high school, hence the happy face. Although why I don't take it off is question that I can't answer. Maybe it has significance that I have long forgotten.

I'm always amazed when I get to the button sewing part. Can you thread a needle easily? I wear reading glasses, strong ones, and mostly I wave my thread at the needle where I think the hole is because I can't actually see it and it always astonishes me that the thread actually goes through the hole. Not the first time, ha, or the second either but eventually with patience, lots of patience, it all works and I can sew on the buttons.
Success. This is the Top Down Ridges pattern in a lovely new Cotton Tweed colour, Rose.

Would you like to see this as an adult pattern? Would you wear a garter stitch cardigan in DK weight yarn? I'm think that I would.

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