Tuesday 20 March 2012

I'm knitting a sweater which will be appearing in A Needle Pulling Thread magazine in the fall issue I hope. It's a cardigan based on the Plus-sized book which I'm writing now. It's a chunky weight and I am taking it a step further than the book by introducing some colour work into the cuffs and frontband. This is much easier to do in one gauge than it is in the multi-gauge book.
I played with some slip stitch patterns. Tried one of the patterns on one cuff.
I didn't think it showed as well as it could. So tried to add in some more of the red colour in between the slip stitch pattern.

I like this one a whole lot better. I think it won. Now to try it out on the Front. I think it's going to give me the strong vertical I'm looking for.


  1. I like the idea of a hint of colour in the cuffs and frontband, a simple but effective detail.

    I actually like your middle picture very much, it's a very delicate cuff design, not too little but not too much...just right!

    Fleur xx

  2. I vote for the last picture! I like the vertical lines.

  3. I vote for the hint of colour, but it's hard to tell without seeing more. I tend to like subtle, but not so subtle that no one notices.


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