Wednesday 2 October 2013

A friend of mine sent this great video to me about fashion and ageing. If the quote: "when I am an old woman I shall wear purple" in this poem, resonates with you then this will reinforce that wonderful ideal. Grab a coffee and sit down and enjoy this. It's 47 minutes long but worth the time.

Does this inspire you? Now I'm wondering where my red shoes are because I should put them on TODAY.
fabulous fashionista


1 comment:

  1. Wow! Thanks for that shot in the arm. I am viewing as I type.
    Over the past few months as a 64 yr old caregiver to an aging parent who has been in and out of the nursing home this summer, I needed something to assure me that I did NOT have to wait for THAT to come my way in a few years time. It is true that you become what you surround yourself with!!! Thanks for that wake up call today Deb!


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