Saturday 25 June 2011

No bust darts here. Instead, I've added extra instructions for short rows to be worked at the bottom of the cardigan before the Border. I've decided that on a looser fitting garment it's easier to add a couple of inches at the bottom of the garment if the wearer has a larger bust and suffers from Front pull-up. The shorts rows are worked over the outside 3" on either side. The knitter will have to decide if it's necessary to work them for the recipient of the cardigan. Hopefully the recipient is knitting it which makes all the decisions easy.

One very dark and dreary day today but there it is, the A-Line cardigan with 3/4 length sleeves, drying on the spare bed. The patterns all ready to go. Now I just have to find someone to model it because what's a pattern without a cover photo.


  1. Beautiful, what else can I say? Cannot wait to see it up for sale. MommaBearKnits

  2. I ditto MommaBearKnits! Anxiously awaiting publication!

  3. This is beautiful, Deb. LOVE! Ive got to make this one!

  4. This would not always work. A large bust makes the lower half of the front not just hike up, but makes it hang at a slant. To avoid that you have to put the bust dart at bust level. It may not be noticeable in stocking stitch, but it really would show up in a definite horizontal or vertical pattern stitch, whether loose fitting or not.


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