Tuesday 8 June 2010

Hang on to that sock leaflet Elizabeth. Those old 'all gauge' leaflets are treasures.
Right now that is what we are trying to do too, writing up sock patterns so that they can be knit in any gauge. It's starting to get a little tougher now that I am onto the patterned socks. Brenda's sock patterns are terrific. My job is to work on any problems with the multi-gauging. Some designers can do all this in their heads but I find I can't really get my head around the various problems I might encounter until I have the knitting in my hands. So I am knitting up socks and trying to sort out all eventualities as far as the sock numbers go. It's fun.
This one is fairly simple to gauge up and down since it's a standard 2x2 rib.
Ya gotta love the old standards. I love these socks and they feel great on.
And then the fancy rib pattern worked out really well too. We're on a roll.
This one is a little trickier. Won't it look lovely worked down the top of the foot?
I'm working all of the lace socks in worsted or DK weight wool. It's really fast and they will be lovely and cushy to wear next winter. I know, I know, who can think of winter when we just got started on summer but we have to work now to get the socks done for our deadline in August. Knitting socks in July will be interesting, eh? Did I mention there is no air conditioning here, it's going to get sticky. And then some poor models are going to have to put their feet in them in August. Ha, ha. Might be a super quick photo shoot!


  1. I love socks. Look forward to the new sock book.

  2. Mmmmmmmm those sock cuffs are yummy! And they don't look so complicated I'd be frustrated and frogging! Always a plus. I knit socks in binges, in between other things. I started crocheting shorty summer socks last month, and decided to crochet a long pair for winter, when I was interrupted by the news of a baby shower in July! So all has stopped for baby items. :) Looking forward hugely to seeing the new patterns! samm


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