Monday 21 June 2010

One sock finished. I really liked this pattern. It's really a fancy type of rib and I'm realizing that some kind of knit/purl combination makes the lace somewhat rib-like and makes the leg fit better.
This one is a Chevron pattern with some lovely lace bits running in vertical lines. I think it will look really terrific in sock weight wool in a lighter colour.
I finished this sock today at the licencing office, getting my car ownership sticker. This was an hour wait which I spent happily knitting. I can't believe the number of people that come in, knowing it's going to be a wait - hello you did this last year and the year before that, right? - and still bring nothing with them to keep themselves occupied. I was the only knitter, I checked. I complain to my kids about the overuse of their blackberrys and phones, etc but at least those young people with them were also busy and not finding the wait intolerable. I continue to be bewildered by this.


  1. One of the wonderful things about life in my neck of the woods is the Meaford licensing office. Always just the clerk working away alone. No line up. No waiting.

  2. I know you're putting together a booklet of patterns for socks in all weights, but I'm wondering what your favourite weight is both to work with and wear.


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