Ann wrote "I would vote for the more complex directions that result in a neater finish – and I feel that way whether the sweater be pint sized or enormous! I think that one of the attractions of so many of your patterns is the very “clean” lines one achieves by not having seams in the usual places. Any shaping within the piece needs to reflect that precision, and where stocking stitch is being used, this is even more important, as there is no flexibility for “hiding” increases or decreases by careful placement within the stitch pattern."
SuEllyn wrote "I vote for the second one because it’s not much more complicated and looks really good. If I only had the first choice available I would work it through because it doesn’t look bad, just not as good."
From Sascha (who regularly leaves a comment, thanks for that) "I like the look of the second method of decreasing. For me it wouldn't make a lot of difference in keeping track, as I just write it all out, circling the dec rows and check them off. I'd do that with either method. I just like the look better on the sweater using the second way."
Ann also tagged on "Also, the inclusion of a little spice in the form of a more challenging technique, especially one that is only worked for a relatively small part of the overall process, would be appealing to many knitters."
Yay Ann, I'm also that kind of knitter or I wouldn't be pushing the Top Down construction to see what it can do. But simpler instructions let a lot more knitters into the process.
Heather wrote "I don’t mind the distortion at all, I actually kind of like it. So I vote for distortion + simpler directions."
As a designer these are important questions for me. I want to let lots of knitters of different experience levels into what I do. And trying to work things out the easiest and most logical fashion is a continuing challenge. This is not 'dumbing down'!! This is doing things as straight forwardly as possible and not using complexity just because I can which is a poor excuse for not giving it enough thought to find the easier way. I'm also looking for a 'good bang for the buck' as they say. If I use something more complex I want to know that the result is worth the trouble of doing it.
I now have a plan. After talking to my friend and fellow designer, Bernice (, I finally worked out that I actually have 2 Baby sweater booklets worth of knitting here. I am going to work one booklet in a simpler fashion with a shallow V (below) which I used in the Button Up Your Top Down book. I'm going to include both cardigans and pullovers.

The second booklet will have the complex directions with the deeper V for the more advanced knitter looking for something different. Something like these.
I am going to work the booklets in the same fashion as the books - write out basic patterns, give them to Cabin Fever designers and let them have fun with them. This is a long road so don't expect anything soon. I'm hoping one booklet will be done for June/08. I'm so happy to have a plan. Lots of baby things to knit, yes, yes, yes!
Thanks for all the comments. I really appreciate the input. It helps me settle things in my head and also gives me a feeling of who I am designing for - You.
- Deb
You're welcome! It's exciting to know there will be more patterns from Cabin Fever! Thank you for sharing this process. It's very interesting to me to see how you are going about the designing. :O) samm