Friday 15 August 2008

no knitting

What does a knitter do when they can't knit? My wrist and shoulder were in bad shape so I put myself on a knitting holiday - can I call it a holiday when I can't do my favourite thing? I was very strict but half way through the week I tried to sneak in some knitting just to see if I could and after 2 rounds of my sock I knew it was no good and put it all away.

I thought about my next project and have a good idea of what I'm going to do. Maybe all this thinking will mean it will go faster once I get started. I painted the bunky (sleep cabin) which badly needed it. It looks very nice now and good for another 10 years. I read 7 books and did 2 very large puzzles. A couple of friends came up for 5 days and 3 more showed for 2 of those days during the week which was lots of fun and we had lots of music being played every evening. So I didn't have a lot of time to pine for my knitting until it was time to come home and I couldn't knit during the 5 hour trip home. I did knit for an hour last night, yay. I think my massage therapist has some work to do on me for the next couple weeks. Ouch.

1 comment:

  1. Does your massage therapist do deep tissue, neuro-muscular massage with trigger point release? That keeps my arms and shoulders in knitting condition. Hope you're feeling better soon so you can knit.


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