Sort of. Physically I'm here and glad to be back home, but mentally I am still trying to catch up to myself. It actually helped today that there were 4 questions about patterns which I could easily answer. Kinda gets me back in there. I was also a bad blogger because I didn't think to take my camera out once, not once. But I have put photos of the shows on here before and they all mostly look the same: 10' booth, samples up on the walls, books piled up on a table, binder of all our patterns in the centre for store owners to flip through. That part doesn't change much, except they should be newer samples of course.
The good news is that the store owners thought our new Need A Hat? booklet was great. Hoorah! One store owner thought she would start a hat club at her store in September and get those Christmas gift hats going, along with the cold weather hats, we were in New England after all.
I did get some knitting done

but not as much as I would have liked because this is not car knitting for the motion-sick prone person. And I was given some fine fingering to try so of course I wound up the skein immediately and started the only shawl pattern I have memorized.

I think it will bloom slightly when washed so I will be working on this for a bit. I have knit 3 of these already and have no idea where it came from but it's likely it's an Evelyn Clark design because I really like her stuff and find them really easy to store in my brain.
Short and sweet today but awfully glad to be home.
Welcome Back. Missed you!