I like to go away but I hate leaving. Does this make any sense? Tonight I leave for the NENA show in Sturbridge, MA. A trade show where we get to talk to lots of knitting store owners and see lots of knitting products. We'll see what the initial reaction is to our Need A Hat? booklet. First time out of the box, oh my.
I'm also teaching a Top Down class at The Fiberloft store in Harvard, MA on Saturday afternoon. I'm looking forward to that a lot. It's going to be fun. But before I start my mad dash around the house collecting bits of clothing and my 5 knitting projects which I won't even work on and the 2 books I won't have time to read, I did get some more done on the little pink sweater.

I'm calling this the Tuxedo shaping. You get to decorate the shirt front with whatever pattern you like. I'm going to try the broken rib pattern next because that would look like a shirt with pleats.

A nice wide panel across the centre back to play with, which is of course not tuxedo-like but I'm trying not to get too caught up with that one. I have some alterations to do on this and then a reknit. I'm going to think about it over the weekend. See you next week.
P.S. Commenters
Thanks for the kind comments. It's always a little nerve racking taking a new project to it's first outing. You have given me a boost.
Oh, that's turned out quite nice! With lots of room for variations (a big plus for me.) Keep sharing your explorations with us; you're always inspiring in a realistic way!