I don't have any blog fodder. Test knitting and pattern tweeking don't produce anything you want to see a photo of. Although I did get far enough on the Valentine to take one photo.

It's going to be a lovely sweater. I've enjoyed knitting it this far but I'm afraid it's going to the frog pond. Yup, that's the way it goes. I think it needs some tweeking right at the beginning, wouldn't you know! But we are that much closer to the finished product. I'm looking forward to the next knit being 'the one'.
That's it. I don't have another thing to show you. I have plans to finish a couple things over the weekend though. We'll see how that goes.
Hi there Deb. I can SO relate to that photo. I've just tried on one half of a sweater (knit sideways)that I started eons ago. Mine to will go to the frog pond. It's kinda fun isn't it?