Tuesday 23 March 2010

Just checking my teaching schedule and going over my class notes. I'm teaching a Top Down knitting class at the Unwind Yarn House in Newmarket, Ontario on Sunday March 28 2-5pm. We're going to do a teddy bear sized Top Down sweater based on the Baby V booklet. We're going to work several different kinds of increases and add in some tips for making adjustments for Fit, in case the knitters might some day do a top down for someone more discerning than a teddy bear. I love talking about how to make them fit better. There is so much you can do to make the sweater you really want to make.

Then I am teaching at class called  2 at a Time  over 3 Saturdays in April (April 10, 17 & 24) with the Simcoe County Arts and Crafts Associations at the Simcoe County Museum in Midhurst . We are tackling knitting 2 mittlets at the same time. Once we get past the cast on we should fly through these fingerless mitts and get started on some socks. We will also be doing cabling without a cable needle. There is still space available for a variety of classes offered at the Museum, spinning is the one I would love to take sometime.
These are mittens I knit at Christmas which worked really well working both at the same time.

1 comment:

  1. MommaBear has many many teddy bears. Perhaps she should make a sweater or two for them. Knitting two mittens at the same time, I have not tried that yet. Interesting!


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