Ta da, I have a photo. This is our latest felted bag pattern, Fairisle Bag, by Karen Lawrence of Sheepstrings wool store in Huntsville, ON. It's done in chunky weight wool, our Cabin Fever Northern Lights, and then felted but remains a very good sized bag.
These blogs I know are supposed to be easy to use so I'm not sure what that makes me. And Lynda is on vacation for a week. Sure set up the blog site and then leave. Nice. It used to be that every family needed a handy person to fix things around the house but now every family needs a computer person to help manage the world wide web.
I'm going to try again. Isn't this fun?!
Another photo, I'm on a roll here. I think I've got it by george.
This is my living room wall, at least the one I have painted orange. The other 3 walls are still blue. You can see that I haven't got the blue edging at the ceiling done yet.
This is work I understand. You use your hands and a minimum of tools and before you know it you have an orange wall. It's easy to manage and I can do one coat on one wall every other day and eventually it gets finished. It's slow and methodical and pleasant to do if you're not in a hurry. Does this sound like some other activity we all enjoy?
Slow and methodical, easy to pick up and put down, pleasant to do if you're not in a hurry. Ahh, perfect.
I'll get this blog stuff sorted out eventually. What's the hurry anyway. I'm not going anywhere. Relax, take it easy. I'm relaxed now and off to do some knitting.
See ya,
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