Ahem, class we are ready to begin: Here is the collar and a couple of short rows worked on my baby cardigan. About 4 short rows across the shoulders and back of neck have been worked. In the next photo you can see a close-up of the turning point, there is a gap on the needle where I turned and worked back leaving a bunch of stitches unworked on the needle. This is what defines the short row, you turn in the middle of the row and go back. On the next short row I will knit 2 sts past that gap. That's how you move down the collar sts and eventually get to the end of the row.

I'm much further along and there are many more rows across the shoulders and the back of the neck. I have crept along the collar stitches and the gap is closer to the buttonbands on the fronts which are designated by the red ring markers. I also have a very nice V forming on the Fronts along the raglan shapeline (where the increasing is done - white markers) which will result in a lovely V neck.
In the close-up of the turning gap, I can see that between the gap and the red marker I have 9 sts which means I have 5 more right side short rows to go since each short row ending there takes up 2 sts each time, and the last time I knit right to the end of the row.

I know, techy stuff. I love it. I love how short rows can do all this terrific stuff. They are what makes the V neck and I can now make them shallow or deep depending on how I work the short rows. Isn't this great fun?
I'm happy with my little baby sweaters and will proceed with the rest of the caridgan now that I have this all sorted.
Don't hold your breath, that means I will add this to the UFO pile and work on it over the next week. I can't believe I just added 3 more sweaters to the pile. They are only small but still.
I did finished one sleeve of my adult top down pullover> I'm giving myself a pat on the back for that one. Still one sleeve to go but there is progress.
THANK YOU! I love topdown baby sweaters and have been wanting to do a v neck without having to pickup stiches. Please share/sell have to figure the stitch counts. I love that you want to try different depths too!