I was trying to catch up and do some test knitting of some projects which came up while I was busy with the hat booklet but . . . I can't keep my head engaged. I am trying not to lose focus on the hats. It's difficult to stay with a long term project right to the end especially when it's been out of my hands for several days. Lynda is getting the cover and inside pages of photographs done. I'm waiting to do the final edit which depends on which particular photos are chosen. So I have decided to keep playing and thinking about hats and my new sweater.

And what's more fun than a new sock. I thought I might try the swirl. It mimics my state of mind, except if it was a truer rendition of that it would have breaks in the pattern, like static. That beer glass is not anything like my leg either. Ha.
Hanging in there 'til the end,
P.S. Commenters
Thanks for the kind words about the sweater. I'm still thinking things through on it.
Gigi, I can't believe you are feeling this weather in Texas.
Samm, I sympathize with trying to fix something and finding out it didn't need fixing. Don't you hate that! I'm trying to decide what needs fixing on my sweater and what doesn't. May take some trial and error to decide. Crocheting is a good idea, I might do that with my prototype so that I can wear it later.
I did fix the sweater! It's not as if I don't know how to pick up stitches and make sure things are right way round and such. I had done the correction properly (the one that didn't need doing but I did it anyway) but it still looked wrong to me. So the problem that wasn't became a problem that wasn't, because there was nothing wrong with the stitches except that after I had frogged and reladdered that stitch,they needed a bit of tugging to get things organized and even. Sigh. So much time spent on nothing!!! LOL I'm almost ready to start the interesting design panel on the back so it will be more fun. Stay tuned for more angst, though. Love the sock!! And am glad your leg isn't that shape. That would be mighty odd!!! I do hope you decide to keep that sweater. It's very beautiful and would be comfy, I think. :) samm